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Pregnancy: toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a microscopically small parasite. During pregnancy, a toxoplamosis infection of the mother can affect the baby; in rare instances, this can cause eye and brain damage. The infection is transmitted primarily by eating raw or undercooked meat.


How can I protect my unborn baby?
There are drugs with a certain effect against the parasite; however, they cannot prevent the transmission of disease to the fetus, nor the presence of symptoms in the newborn. Hence it is not helpful to diagnose or treat the infection during pregnancy.


Are there other possibilities to protect my baby?
You can minimize the risks of toxoplasmosis for your baby by observing some simple precautions, which reduce the probability of getting infected with toxoplasmosis during pregnancy.


What precautions are effective in the kitchen and regarding nutrition?
Avoid eating raw (Tartare) or undercooked/underdone meat throughout pregnancy, especially beef, lamb, poultry and venison. Always wash your hands and kitchenware thoroughly after coming into contact with raw meat or innards.


What else can I do (house, gardening, profession)? What if I own a cat?
In cats, the parasite can multiply in the bowel and will be excreted with the faeces. The infection risk associated with cat excrements in the environment is considered rather low, but it still makes sense to wash hands after touching sand or dirt, as well as after cleaning fresh vegetables. Do not feed your cat raw meat, give her canned food instead. The cat's litter box should not be placed in the kitchen; wear rubber gloves to clean it and wash your hands thereafter. Meticulous hand hygiene is to be observed when working in farming, restaurants, florist or pet shops.


In 2009, blood screening for toxoplasmosis in healthy pregnant women was officially abandoned in Switzerland (see link below).




Swiss Federal Office of Health, Factsheet PDF (German)