IVF clinic and cleanroom laboratory Gyné invitro
Having offered IVF in Zurich since 1997, it took until April 2016 when a dream became true - an own, modern, spacious and comfortable infrastructure with clinic, daycare, operation theatre and cleanroom IVF laboratory in one unit. The opening was celebrated with a scientific symposium on the actual topic of pre-implantation testing (siehe separate page und program).
Virtual tour

Welcome to the daycare clinic and IVF laboratory GYNE INVITRO!

Entrance area.

Corridor between operation theatre (left) and patient rooms (right).

Spacious patient rooms with view of Lake Zurich.

Operation theatre for vaginal egg collection under ultra-short anaesthesia.

Overview of cleanroom laboratory with modern table-top incubators featuring low oxygen atmosphere for blastocyst culture.

On the right: two microscope workstations for micromanipulation, the right one being equipped with laser embryo biopsy.

Detail of laser microscope.

«Men's room»